Wednesday 30 September 2015

Power Breakfast

Okay so those of you who follow my Instagram feed will know that I recently got my little hands on the new Women’s Health, “Lift To Get Lean, a beginner’s guide to fitness & strength training in 3 simple steps” written by celebrity personal trainer, Holly Perkins.
I promise that once I have finished the book that I will share some of her pearls of wisdom regarding women’s fitness but for now I couldn’t help but share one of the recipes from the book simply because it’s something you can whip up before rushing out the door and still know that you had a substantial breakfast meal. Trust me, this is a good one.

Pumped-up banana-pecan oatmeal

¼ cup quick cooked Irish oatmeal
½ cup water
½ scoop of vanilla whey protein powder
1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon
A pinch of salt
¼ cup of fat free milk
1 Banana, sliced
1 Teaspoon pecan pieces

  1. In a microwave bowl, whip together the oatmeal, water, protein powder, cinnamon and salt.
  2. Microwave mixture on high for 90 seconds
  3. Top with milk, banana and pecans

Per Serving: 389 calories, 18g protein, 63g Carbohydrates, 9g total fat ( 2g saturated fat), 9g fibre, 349g sodium.

Ladies if you are looking for a quick, easy and carbohydrate conscious recipe for breakfast then give this a go. Personally I’d swap out the banana for a different fruit, maybe an apple but other than that this is a fantastic way to start off your day. Give it a go, would love to hear your thoughts on it


 *As seen in Women's Health, Lift to get lean, Holly Perkins

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