Monday 7 September 2015

Asian Delight- Chicken Stir Fry

It’s been a while since I last posted a recipe to excite your taste buds and I think a vast majority of us seem to like Asian food (I’m a sucker for sushi myself). This recipe is fantastic for your next Asian inspired dinner party or chill sesh with a couple of friends, it’s quick and easy and you can add ingredients to your heart’s desire. 

1 Garlic clove, crushed
30ml (2T) Soy Sauce
Juice & grated rind of 1 Lime

Stir Fry:
30 ml (2T) oil/ 15ml (1T) sesame oil
4 Chicken breast fillets, sliced into strips
2 cm piece of ginger, crushed
2 Red Chillies, seeded and chopped finely
60ml (1/4 cup) Chicken stock
30ml (2T) Soy Sauce
30ml (2T) Oyster/ fish sauce
30ml (2T) Chopped Chives
100g Cashew Nuts & Roughly chopped basil (Optional)

1.      Mix all marinade ingredients together and allow chicken to marinate for 30 minutes (This is where you can break out the wine while you wait)
2.      Heat the oil in a large pan/ wok and stir fry the chicken for 3 minutes.
3.      Add the ginger, garlic and chillies. Stir fry for a further 2-3 minutes.
4.      Mix the stock and soy sauce with the oyster/fish sauce and add.
5.      Simmer for about 3 minutes, until chicken is cooked through.
6.      Scatter nuts, chives, basil on top and serve immediately with sticky rice.

Simple, easy and delicious little recipe am I right? Definitely one of my favourites. Let me know how this goes down at home… Would love to hear from you


Featured in: “Let’s cook. Top 500 recipes” Compiled by Carmen Niehaus

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