Wednesday 4 May 2016

Protein and M&M Cake Jars!

‘A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips’, or so they say but it doesn’t have to be that way especially with this cheat treat recipe!


1 Large Egg
1 Large egg white
1 Scoop of Vanilla protein powder
½ Cup of unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk (or any milk substitute)
1tsp Vanilla Extract
6Tbsp Coconut flour
1/8 Cup Almond flour
½ Banana (or unsweetened apple sauce ¼ cup)
½tsp Baking Powder
1Tbsp Mini baking M&M’s


1.      Pre-heat your oven to 350F / 180C
2.      Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, add the M&M’s last and mix by hand
3.      Take out two half-pint size oven proof jars, coat them with non-stick cooking spray and evenly distribute your mix into them. Don’t fill it to the top as they will rise.
4.      Top it off with a few more M&M’s and bake for 25-30 Minutes.
5.      Allow the jars to cool then screw the lid on and you’re set.

Want to guess how many calories are in this recipe? A grand total of 327, now you really can enjoy an indulgence without feeling guilty ;) Enjoy every bite!

*Recipe taken from '' website

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