Tuesday 13 September 2016

Rainbow Cake!

So spring is upon us and I don’t see why we need an excuse to eat cake especially one that looks like this! Here’s how:


Basic sponge cake:
(This makes 2 cake layers- you’ll need to multiply the ingredients by 4 for 8 layers.)
4 Eggs
1 ¼ cups (310g) Sugar
1 ½ cups (225g) cake flour
1 Tbsp (15ml) baking powder
Generous pinch of salt
2/5 cup (100g) butter
1 cup (250ml) milk
1 tsp (5ml) vanilla essence
Food colouring (colours of the rainbow)

Butter Icing:
2 cups (500g) butter
2 tsp (10ml) vanilla essence
1 packet (1kg) icing sugar
3 Tbsp (45ml) edible gold dust
1 packet (about 200g) small, round sweets or chocolates (tumbles)

1.       Preheat oven to 180C. Line and grease 2 x 20cm cake tins.
2.       Beat eggs and sugar together until fluffy. Sift dry ingredients together and gently fold into egg mixture.
3.       Heat butter, milk and vanilla until butter is melted – do not boil. Fold milk mixture through the batter.
4.       Divide the batter in half. Select 2 food colouring's and add a little to each half. Spoon batter into prepared tins and bake for 25 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.
5.       Remove from tins and cool on a wire rack
6.       Repeat 3 more times, using the remaining food colouring's, to create 8 sponge cakes in different hues.

1.       Whip butter and vanilla together until creamy.
2.       Add icing sugar a little at a time. If the icing is too thick, add 1-2 Tbsp (15-30ml) boiling water

To assemble
1.       Trim domed tops off cakes and ice layers
2.       Place them one on top of the other, in order of a rainbow.
3.       Spread a layer of icing on all sides of cake and sprinkle with gold dust.
4.       Spread a layer of icing on sweets and coat in gold dust.
5.       Top cake with golden sweets and serve.

Recipe taken from: ‘Pick n’ pay, Fresh living magazine’ May 2016 Issue

As you can see it’s a bit of a job but the end result is well worth it I think, enjoy the process and share it with all your loved one’s... or don’t ;)


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