Friday, 15 January 2016

A Girls Guide to Gun's!

Who says that working your arms is only for the guys? There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be doing the same, if not better. Gotta show those men whose boss and here’s how:

1Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl
4 Sets 12 Reps, this exercise will work your biceps and your forearms. I do each set going up in weight

2.    Tricep Pushdowns
4 Sets 12 Reps, This is an compound exercise which will focus on your triceps, and I do these going up in weight after each set

3.    Barbell Curls (21’s)
21's, Range of Movement
4 Sets 21 Reps, This is an exercise for your biceps, one which I still struggle with. One set consists of 3 sections of 7, adding up to 21 in one set. Have a look at the illustration below for the range of movement you should be achieving… Go easy on yourself you won’t be able to lift a mad amount of weight on the first go but strive to grow.

4.    EZ-Bar Curl
100 Reps, I know what you’re thinking, I thought it too when I saw 100 reps (‘Are you off your rocker?’) Ah, no, it’s really not as impossible as you think. The number is fairly intimidating but I found that the first few times, if I split it up 50/50 I could actually finish the exercise. Persevere and before you know it you’ll find yourself doing the full 100 reps in one go.

5.    Cable rope, Overhead Tricep Extension
100 Reps, I promise I’m really not trying to kill you. The same applies to this exercise as to the one before it. If you can’t see yourself completing the full 100 the first time around just split it up but don’t cheat yourself by not completing the full 100 by the end of your work out. Trust me on this one; it’s the most exhilarating feeling to complete your arm work out with this exercise.

When looking at a program such as this, we must ask ourselves 2 things: Firstly, are all the movements different per exercise and two, am I working the entire arm or targeting specific muscle parts? By the difference of movement, I mean if you’re doing EZ bar curls for 3 sets and then move to cable curls for 3 sets and then to seated alternating curls for the same. What you’ve effectively done is 9 sets of the same movement – bicep curls. By difference of movement we can separate these into Compound movements (both arms doing the same amount of work) like EZ bar curls, Hypertrophy movements (high repartition range for failure) like Overhead rope extensions and Isolation movements (single arm at a time movements) like Concentration curls.
The second point, comes down to knowing the anatomy of your muscle structure and determining what exercise targets which muscle part. Hence, taking our first example of 9 sets of curls, means your bicep muscle parts like the long and short heads will become overworked, thus resulting in an overdeveloped bicep backed by the little runt of the litter, tiny tricep.   

Ladies, don’t look at the program and think shucks – I’m about to get butch and look like an angry 87-year-old grandmother from Texas wearing a sleeveless tee and an anchor tattoo on a monstrous bicep. It is not that easy! The Estrogen that flows through your bodies each month is what keeps you looking like a woman! You need lab-like testosterone in order to get ripped arms after just one session. Feel free to bang this program out as heavy as possible and as quickly as possible for best results.   

I also tend to finish off any work out with a few sets of Ab exercises, feel free to add in your own favourites to finish off a great session.
Going to gym is different for everyone, you may feel discouraged and like you’ll never want to go back again but my girl, don’t despair, fluff up your tutu and show up. I promise you, you won’t regret it and your body will thank you.


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Tailor Made Health and Fitness For You!

Hi everyone, here's a really insightful and very well informed guest written article by my boyfriend - Matt Gerli -
If you've ever wondered how your body type fits in with your fitness routine then i suggest you pull up a chair. While you're at it, share it with others who might be curious about the same thing! 

Hi readers, im back and this time with a little more insight on how to develop, maintain and sustain a health and fitness program for you as the individual. One thing has become increasingly evident in the past few years and especially so in terms of health and fitness, it is that WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME! Ever heard the phrase “different strokes for different folks” or “results may vary per individual”? The first is repeated whenever a comparison is made and the latter – well that can be found on almost any product created for human consumption, more commonly found in supplementation aisles and pharmaceutical shelves. We are all unique, not unique like when your first grade teacher told you that you’re special - unique in that our bodies are each individually complex, working machines that however similar in composition, differ greatly in appearance, shape and size. 

Whilst we are mostly unable to do much about our organs on the inside and their functionality, besides having them removed, we as humans by our natural urges are extremely aesthetic human beings, appearance is everything! It is the reason you check out your booty in those jeans before a night out with the girls, it’s the reason us guys flex until we fart in front of the mirror after a shower, it’s the reason mom gave you that devastating hairstyle when you were 7 and why acne gets on our nerves, we are motivated to keep and uphold our appearances. The biggest problem that I have found is that it’s not how we diet, it’s not the vitamins and minerals you pump or spending hours at the gym. It is all about being INFORMED! The guys over at The Science of Eating note that “Understanding your body type will help you to strategically & successfully plan your strength training and diet regiment, and once you establish your body type, you can adjust nutrient intake to maximize fitness composition and health related goals.” Whose article can be found at  

How much you know about and understand your body is absolutely imperative to looking your best, the vast majority of people out there haven’t got a cooking clue about themselves other than that they enjoy watching MTV, use a treadmill for 10 mins a day and every now and then that they need a haircut. Knowledge is never wasted! There are those who spend a lifetime trying to figure out what they respond to best & how their body reacts to certain things and some never get it right. 

I invite you to take the first step with me, here and now. By simply reading a little further you’ll discover something about your body that will revolutionize the way you operate on a daily basis. Ready to take the plunge? Let’s go. 

You have a body type! No – not blood type, well you have that too but a body type that you were given by mom and dad’s genetics, the key to developing into the best aesthetic looking you is knowing your body type, using that new found knowledge to tailor make a diet and exercise program that works for you as an individual and pushing hard to get results. 

The 3 main body types are: 

Cameron Diaz (Ectomorph)
Ectomorphs: Categorized by having small bones and joints, these are often tall, skinny people who struggle to gain muscle, have a fast metabolism. Flat chests and small shoulders, these people struggle to put on weight and are often those we know as sticks. Guys, think Jake Gyllenhaal, Brad Pitt and Toby Maguire. Ladies, think Cameron Diaz, Taylor Swift and Kate Moss. 

Pink (Mesomorph)

Mesomorphs: The perfect human form which some are blessed with and most of us aren’t. It’s the typical jock shape, naturally muscular, defined, broad shoulders. Those who are able to gain and lose weight easily. The classic rectangular shape, strong and hard. Guys, think Arnold Schwartzenegger, Mark Wahlberg and Ryan Reynolds. Ladies, think Halle Berry, Pink and Madonna.

Sofia Vergara (Endomorph)

Endomorphs: The larger side of the scale, these people have soft, round bodies and are often short. They are able to gain both muscle and fat easily and have an extremely slow metabolism. It is especially hard for them to lose fat. Large shoulders, usually short and stocky. Guys, think Robin Williams, Jack Black and Stevie Wonder. Ladies, think Sofia Vergara, Beyonce and Kate Winslet.

Were you able to identify which body type you belong to? If so, 5 points to Gryffindor. If not, look at aspects such as these: 

Metabolism – Do you gain weight easily if your diet is useless? If so you could be a mesomorph. If you struggle to lose weight that you put on, then you might be an endomorph. If you struggle to put on any weight despite easing everything in sight, you’re probably and ectomorph. 

Eating – if you’re able to eat loads of calories without seeing any change in your body, you’re definitely an ectomorph. If you eat a small amount of calories and are relatively active then you’re probably a mesomorph and if you’re afraid to eat but can’t help yourself then you’re probably an Endomorph. 

If you’re still unsure, there are many websites that can help you find your body type and best plan for free. One of these is at which is my number one resource to consult for anything body related. This calculator can be found at  

Now many of you are going to think, well shucks – im a huge Endomorph, have always been and now im doomed because my body is funny and nobody loves me and I have to work out for 17 hours a day and and and… STOP! Whilst you were born with your particular body type, there are ways to break down the walls of your body type, in other words Ecto’s can become Meso’s as well as Endo’s can become Meso’s. It simply comes down to hard work, dedication and giving your body the proverbial kick in the pills. The science behind it, however complicated can be simplified this way: As humans, our bodies like to remain in a state of “Homeostasis” (balance). This means our bodies like to remain the same way they currently are, as a biological machine your body hates change, it is used to your organs working at a certain rate, its used to your muscles doing the same things every day. Naturally, we have pretty lazy bodies and yet when you do have to hike up that hill but you haven’t been active for ages – you upset the system, your body is forced to work a little harder and as a result you sweat, calories are burnt to keep you going and fatigue sets in. So what’s the deal with all the athletes in the world you ask? Simple, they not only enjoy but also strive to upset their bodies every single day, to push harder and make a change – breaking the state of balance. Most important part is, they aren’t special – they’ve got the same bodies that everyone sitting on their couch has, eating themselves into a stupor and hating their appearance. Stuff that! Upset your body, make a change. 

James Villepigue, an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer based in NY, fitness expert with 15 years of bodybuilding experience and author of “The Body Sculpting Bible for Men” notes on p37 that “Just believing that it is possible to reach your goals is just not enough, we need to take action in order to get there”. His book can be found online using its ISBN (9781578262380) at
So here’s my blueprint for individual body types, this is by no means a surefire way to go about things, but it has been proven continuously over time that different body types respond differently to various diet plans and exercises as opposed to others. 

Ectomorphs or ‘skinnys’– I am an Ecto and have been my entire life! Much of my life has been spent trying to grow, get bigger and get as close to a Mesomorph type as possible. What has worked for me in the past, through trial and error and plenty of hard work is: 

#   Eat! - As Ectomorphs it takes an enormous amount of effort on our part to get fat, this is both a blessing and a curse. We are able to eat pretty much whatever we want and hardly see the effects on our bodies. My conclusion – pump the chow, we need huge amounts of calories if we want to gain muscle, because our metabolisms are already running faster than any other body type, we process our intake 3 to 5 times faster than they do. The downside of this is that we can’t keep anything in long enough to make us fat or help us gain muscle, hence the best bet is just to continually eat. I recommend 5 to 7 small meals a day. 

Nutritech Slow Release Casien
#   Short workouts – As an Ectomorph it’s easy to want to spend hours upon hours at the gym because it’s so hard for us to gain muscle right? WRONG! The best results for Ecto’s come as a result of high intensity short training sessions. Focus on big muscle groups and the basic movements like the squat, deadlift and bench. Minimal cardiovascular activity is advised. 

#   Supplementation – Highly recommended, adding extra protein to your diet is a must in order to keep feeding that train engine of a metabolism of yours, Casien protein is a great slow digesting protein that is best taken just before bedtime to prevent muscle Catabolism (muscles feeding off themselves as a result of nothing in the stomach). Plus, a good multivitamin, possible pre-workout and BCAA’s.

Mesomorphs or ‘squares’ – The jocks and naturally gifted guys and girls with near perfect physiques right off the bat. These are much more susceptible to muscle and fat gains which means dieting is much more important. 

#   Diet – Control the amount of calories that are consumed, Meso’s can gain fat and muscle very easily which creates a dangerous breeding ground for junk food, protein shakes and whatever mum puts on the table. Obtain diet plans for your specific goals whether it may be slimming, building, toning or bulking and measure the intake of macro nutrients on a daily basis. 

Nutritech For Her CLA
#   Go heavy – True for guys and girls, Meso’s need a little more in the way of exercise to push their body out of balance, they respond best to weight training through which results are seen very quickly and easily especially for beginners. Combinations of weights and cardio must be incorporated to develop fully. Cardiovascular activity recommended for early mornings and on rest days. 

#   Pills and potions – For Meso’s supplementation requires dedication and research, because they respond so well to their intake, whatever is taken – results in fast appearance changes. For muscle growth and maintenance, I recommend Whey protein after workouts, BCAA’s and a pre-workout. For fat loss I recommend CLA, a thermogenic and Caffeine. 

Endomorphs or ‘rounds’ – Find it exceptionally easy to gain weight, unfortunately this weight is often fat. Losing fat becomes twice as hard as much more physical activity is required to break down brown fat cells so as to upset their state of balance. 

#   Burn baby burn – For best results during training, Endo’s must aim to keep fat to a minimum. This means they should always be doing a high amount of cardiovascular activity for each and every session as well as some weight training to mobilize muscle fibers and unclog major blood vessels throughout their bodies.

#   Fat loss – Supplements are generally not advised for Endomorph body types however, I recommend either a thermogenic fat burner or a combination of CLA, Green Tea extract, Caffeine and Lipo or Phedra-cut supplements which in turn will act as catalysts for the slimming process. 

Nutritech Combo Vit+Min
#   What to much – Avoid sugars and dense carbohydrates at all costs, cravings can be deflected through the intake of muscle fuel protein shakes in wonderful dessert favours to kill the sweet tooth. Diet should ideally consist of a high protein intake, a daily multivitamin and plenty of water. 

C-c-c-combo breaker! These body types are NOT set in stone, in fact most people have a combination of two body types, resulting in what we call a subcategory body type. These combinations are usually Ecto/Meso or Meso/Endo, thus it is not uncommon to find a pure Mesomorph that gains weight like an Endomorph for example.

Especially for yonder females, the team of ladies at Super Skinny Me have an entire website dedicated to informative articles, body type calculators and how to increase your chances of breaking down your bodies barriers to achieve a better you. They can be found at Other great resources for reading up include articles by Carol Tuttle, whose most widely read article on the net is titled: “Pear or Hourglass? The Truth About Your Body Shape” and can be found at which include excerpts on “what the fashion industry thinks of your body shape” – a truly great read.  

Well there you have it ladies and gents, a little further insight into what you as a human being are made of and how to make health and fitness work for YOU. I do hope you’ll make use of the information I have supplied and implement ways to transform that body of yours into your BEST self.
